Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to Creative Writing!

So you all come in here with different expectations about writing and creativity and maybe feel a little intimidated with what you may be expecting to do. I hope that you will leave here loving writing and feeling a lot more creative. I love the beginning of a creative writing class because it always brings so much potential from each of you. With this blog we will be trying to push creativity to a more technological level. You will all be creating your personal journal blog that I will have access to-to read and grade. Whether you want to make it accessible for everyone else is your choice. We will spend the first week of class working on creating and making our blogs and also practicing on this one. Your syllabus will explain your interaction with this blog and also in creating your own personal one.

It's time to let your CREATIVITY grow!
This blog will be in the class journal and it will be where you will respond by creating a post. Tonight I will add all of you into the blog to make you an adminstrator and when you respond to the section, you will get graded this way. My hope is that if we do this enough, we will eventually have a class book that you can order and keep to remember this class by. All in-class journal responses should be posted here. Your own personal outside journal responses will be on your own blog that you create.
1st in-class journal and test to see if you can figure this out:
Creativity is....Assignment (see handout and then post to this blog. Feel free to add in visuals and graphics whenever you get the chance. Flicker is a great site for this!) Good luck and happy blogging!

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