Wednesday, April 8, 2009

trading places with a boy(favorite journal write #3)

here are some thoughts that I would think if I were a boy:
I wonder if they're having egg burritos for breakfast...........
Ah Man! I need to pummel Bill for being a frickin' moron!
.........what can I do to hit him really hard.........
I guess I'll just punch him in the face...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................ .......................................................
do I smell bacon?

Favorite Journal write #2

I save-money
I kick-brother's butt
I have-bad taste
I mind-having chalk
I know-it
I wonder-bread
I sing-suckishly
I suffer-from retaritiss
I love-my mom
I buy-nose flutes
I fear-dust bunnies
I enjoy-old mayonaise
I wan't-world peace
I hope-Paris Hilton dies
I pay-monthly taxes
I expect-crap
I dream-random ideas
I assume-nothing's wrong
I neglect-buttered toast
I underestimate-the POH (Power of Hydrogen---we learned it in Physical Science)
I manipulate-good ideas
I overestimate-math problems
I scream-ice cream
I forget-to blink
I mean-well
I fulfill-my goals
I hate-rubber duckies
I beg-for forgiveness
I thank-Little Ceasar's
I suspect-my mom
I distrust-the Canadians
I move-after highschool
I risk-everything
I maintain-no boundries
I am-worth $100
I really-like playdough

Favorite Journal write #1

Name: Crap and Turd (2 years old)
Nickname: Buffy
Eye color: crappy green
Hair color: stupid brown
Favorite food: meat or anything that used to live
Siblings' names/ages: Hope-she's 3, Faith-she's 7
How they treat me: With respect, well that is after I burned their toys. Then they started to respect me.
Thoughts on toilet training: Let's all wear diapers for heck's sake. I mean, old people still wear diapers!
A situation where I am sitting in my crib & what I would be thinking:

Here I am, stuck in my crib
and there's nothing here to do
My family is gone so I'm all alone
and something smells like poo
I know what to do! I can take the poo
and throw it at mom and dad's room!
Then I'll start up the oven, break all the windows
and hit the cat with a broom!
I could also find some money and precious items to lose
so long as they'll always be missed
Then find a lighter, give it a snap
I'm loving my terrible two's!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Boredom is...

Boredom is White
It feels like air
It sounds like silence
It smells like paper
It looks like a colorless wall
It tastes like water
Boredom makes me feel creative

Boredom is Brown
It feels like missing dinner.
It sounds like a long, monotone, speech.
It smells like dust.
It looks like bad traffic.
It tastes like dry oranges.
Boredom makes me feel tired.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hope is light cyan
It feels like an infant’s grasp
It sounds like the first tentative notes played on a piano
It smells like chocolate cookies right out of the oven
It looks like a kite being flown high on a warm summer day
It tastes like fluffy, angel food cake
Hope makes me feel confident.
Hope is dark turquoise
It feels like riding a bike against the wind
It sounds like air leaking slowly out of a tire
It smells like burnt birthday cake
It looks like the 1st place hurdler tripping over the last one
It tastes like pure vanilla
Hope makes me feel uncertain