Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love is Bad and Good

Love is Pink
It feels like soft baby skin
It smells like bright beautiful flowers given for a special occasion
It tastes like a freshly baked cookie that melts in your mouth
It sounds like whispers in a corner
It looks like hands laced together
Love makes me feel like I’m flying around heaven’s clouds

Love is Blue
It feels like your heart is drowning in your chest
It sounds like babies constantly crying in your heart
It smells like the dead wilted flowers that are still sitting on your table
It looks like a cold February day; muddy, windy, and sad

It tastes like burnt popcorn
Love makes me feel completely disappointed

Monday, March 30, 2009


Exhaustion is the color blue
It feels rewarding
Its smell is recognizable: Like the flash back to the beginning of your exhaustion
It tastes almost...bittersweet
It sounds like that tender laugh of someone smiling
It looks like a little boy laying on a tramp during summer looking at the clouds pass him by
Exhaustion makes me feel at ease
Exhaustion is multicolored
It feels like a claustrophobic hot room
It smells sickly
It tastes bland, almost like you've eaten a food with no flavor
It sounds like the noises one hears when they have a headache; piercing
It looks uncomfortable
Exhaustion makes me achey

Friday, March 27, 2009

Movtivation is...

Motivation is RED
It feels like the beads of sweat running down your face
It sounds like a cheering crowd
It smells like a leather basketball
Motivation looks like a basketball on its way down from a missed shot
It tastes like an ice cold Gatorade
It makes me feel like I’m on top of the world

Motivation is BLACK
It feels like a heavy back pack
It sounds like a thunder storm
It smells like stinky garbage
It looks like a messy room
It tastes like an onion after taste
It makes me feel like I’m in a big black hole

Friday, March 20, 2009

what's wrong with men-

~they never talk to you when you want
~when you like them they ignore you
~they impress you one moment nad disgust you the next
~make fun of you and dont realize it
~all they care about is xbox
~only care about themselfs
~never do what they say they will
~they make a fool out of you (aka justin)
~ they dont have girl hormones
~ they flirt with you then flirt with someone else.

Twinkle Twinkle...

"Twinkle, Twinkle little star," Coach K. sang loudly.

"Well that's a little awkward," Tim whispered to Lara.

They were all outside studying the stars one night for their astronomy class.

"This is so boring, I just want to go home," Barbara complained.

"Everybody now! Twinkle, twinkle..." Coach K. sang on.

"When is he going to stop?" Chico asked covering his ears.

"Well i'm going to go home and hit the hay, so you kids are on your own, Coach K. announced.

"Finally," Dave said. "Now we can scare the girls! har har har"

The class waited outside for about five minutes, when the swings started to squeak and the teeter totters started to move up and down.

(To be continued)

different things you notice when attending mr. engberson's driver's ed. class

an american flag
cocky boy bragging
advice from the teacher- "learn how to manage your risks"
courtesy laughter @ mr. e's bad joke
conversation on sky-diving
"if you're stuck, you're screwed"
everyone is all-out green for st. patrick's day
roundy boy staring @ me- it's getting kind of awkward
a picture of a cow
"he looks so stupid"
spanish- wish i could understand it. this is what it sounded like: kaslkdjeiojlkjlkajdflsjalsjglsakjf
books all along the back wall
"she bit the dashboard"
doodling during an important lecture
closed blinds- i'm getting claustrophobic
smells like sweaty little children
"whoops, whoops, careful lady!"

What men think about...

I wonder who won the football game?
Im so annoyed with my mother... I shouldn't have to help around the house.
I need new graphics for my motorcycle.
I hope the teacher doesn't catch me cheating.
Ugh! I have to go to seminary today.
This is boring i want to sleep.
Im hungry....Burritos sound good
Dang that girl has a nice booty!
I wonder if she likes me.
Eh i don't feel lilke going to work i think i will call in sick.
I have five more hours of detention GREAT!
Dude i want a mountain dew.
Shiz thats my fourth ticket...now im on high risk.
Dude that truck is Sweeet!
Bring on the flatscreen.

Those dang english teachers!

One morning i walked into my least favorite class of all times, english! I walked in and instantly Mrs. Small was all over me and asking all these questions. Finally she gave up and let me be. As the bell rang all the kids were laughing and having a good time. Then the teacher, Mrs. Small got mad because kids hadn't finished there homework or had forgotten things. As she always does, she gave us that look like she was so disgusted with us. She always makes me feel so stupid. Then a classmate just lightened the mood by being a usual class clown. Then as normal Mrs. Small famous look came once again.

The Secret

By day I work in Pubilic Relations for a hospital... By night Iam a Graffiti Artist!

The man who has this double life's name is Scott Phillips. He is an invisible employee that doesn't get the credit he should.
And the art world loves him.
In Public Relations As an artist
Suit Pants and T-shirt
Stressed with work Loves work
Rgular father Single
Hates art Loves art

The reason he lives a double life is because his wife agrees with his love for art and his dream. But his boss who is his dad doesn't agree and will fire him if he finds out that he is an artist. So he lives two lives so his father won't find out.

"I Steal Spoons From Restaurants."

What I think this person would look like.
- I think its a woman.
-She travels a lot.
-She lives alone.
-She steals spoons because she likes to write on them and there's not enough room to write on a fork.
-She wears lots of jeweler.
-She wears bandanas with long dark hair.
-She had lots of unique clothes.
-A fun personality.
-She likes animals.

Why the secret?
She did it so she would know where she's been and where she's eating. She keeps the secret because she doesn't want people to know how many restaurants shes eaten at.


DON'T TALK!!!!, was what the sign above the door read. on RS5O2, a home for all of us living off earth, there was a limited amount of oxygen available. talking would use more energy, which would make us use more oxygen, so the officials were trying to wean us off of our weak human habit of talking. sign language was the preferred method of communication, and i was still getting used to it.

What girls think about.

How do I look? I need that. That guys hot. Do I still look good? I am so stressed out. I can't find that thing that I lost. He's acting like a pig. I can't believe what she's wearing. No way? O my Ghosh. These shoes are so cute, I have to have them. That's so funny, not. O great there goes my hair. I'm going to kill her. I wonder if he likes me. I can't break a nail, I can't break a nail.

a typical male thought

i can't wait 'til lunch. i'm freakin' starving!!! this class sucks, it's so long. i can't even see the board because of her frizzy hair. man!!!
hm... where'd i put my basketball? maybe i left it at joe's house. or it might be in my laundry basket. oh well, i can't wait for practice tonight. oh finally! the bell rang, whew! i had no idea what was going on.
man, this same girl keeps talking to me. i'll just nod and hope she goes away.... oops, she's laughing. i'll laugh too, haha. glad that conversation's over, she annoys the heck out of me. hey, nice bum where ya from? that girl is so fine. too bad she won't talk to me.

"No That's Disgusting!"

"No that's disgusting!" Jami screamed. "Oh come on, it'll taste good." The boys kept saying. Everyone was gathered around Jami, trying to see what was happening. I finally got to the front and saw it. It was a pickle someone dropped from their hamburger earlier that week. It was dried up and kind of wrinkly. Of course Jami wouldn't eat it. She was the brattiest girl in school. The next thing I hear is everyone chanting "Jami" really loudly. "Oh my gosh," I thought to myself. "She just wants attention." The bell rang and everyone started heading into the school. I turned just in time to see a seagull fly down and pick the pickle up.


You Save: Snapple lids.
You know: That the tongue is the strongest muscle in your body.
You love: chocolate covered cinni bears yum yum :)
You fear: nasty scary men.
You pay: TAXES! not happy about that.
You underestimate: time....im always late.
You beg: for extension on curfew
You suffer: through church
You neglect: my room...well what was my room.
You wonder: what i will be when i decide i want to grow up.
You risk: getting caught speeding.
You are: exceptionally good at getting ready in the car :)

Left-Handed Writing:)

Six seconds left in double overtime and I was at the free throw line. We were tied and I was very intimidated by the huge defending state champions. Grangeville had only lost one game and we had lost 6. As I grabbed the ball, the Grangeville fans were cheering against me. "Focus," I kept telling myself. I held the ball and did my usual routine and shot the ball that now weighed 10 pounds. Swish. I was so relieved and I heard my uncle yell, "Beautiful." I shot again, but I missed. Grangeville got the rebound and started booking it down the court. Bradee swiped the ball away and the girl knocked it out of bounds, so it was our ball. There was only 3 seconds left, and we were on Grangeville's side so there was a very hard press. We got the ball in and waited for the final buzzer to buzz. We had just beated the defending state champions!!! We didn't know it then, but in two games we would be state champions!

What's Wrong Wtih Men?

-They don't show emotion.
-You don't know if they're kidding or being serious.
-Very sarcastic.
-Practicle MEAN jokers.
-Watch t.v. al lot.
-Talk about sports and cars all the time.
-They just want to go hang with their buddies all the time.
-Not romantic.

Picture Poem

Is the sun coming up, or coming down?

You wonder if it's being lost, or to others just being found.
Do you feel like you're in the dark? Or are you that ray of light.

Like the sun, do you always shine your light?

Do you find yourself looking for the holes, to make a difference in something small?

Or do you shine bright all the time so you are always the same, never changing, so you aren't noticed as often?

You choose for yourself.

Are you just being lost, or just being found?

What's wrong with women!

Mood swings,
they worry about their hair,
they make no sence,
they cry for no reason,
confuse guys,
Always worried,
they hold grudges,
they are really competitive,
They talk about cloths to much,
they can't except guys for who we are,
They love to spend money on things they won't where or use.

Letterman Picture


Red Curls, Slender Body, Oh I wish she was mine
Maybe I'll ask her to sew on my letter
Then I'll ask her to the homecoming dance
I think I'm in love
She's so perfect
with her red curls and slender body maybe she'll be mine


Oh he's so cute!
His red hair and rosy cheeks how i wish he was mine
When I cheer I cheer mostly for him
Maybe he'll ask me to homecoming
I think I'm in love
He's so perfect
with his red hair and rosy cheeks maybe he'll be mine

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are you excited for PHYSICAL EDUCATION!!

The geeky/ nerdbomber teacher Mr. Riley entered the gym. With his ducktaped sneakers, nasty white, hairy legs hanging out from the sketchy gym short, and of course his goggles that take up half of his face. He heads to the closet to get the dogdeballs when he returns he says " Are you excited for physical education!" The students look at each other, like did that seriously just happen? Then they start groaning, as they realize they sitll have 185 days left with Mr. Riley the semi unbalaced gym teacher.

Getting to know ME!

Tree- Apple because they are productive and smell sweet.
State- Florida because its bright, warm and full of variety.
Weather Type- Sunny day because its warm and i love to have fun.
Season- Winter because i love the snow.
Fabric- Fleece because its cozy and soft.
Animal- Lion because their full of life, i like to go fast and adventurous.
Holiday- Thanksgiving because i love to be with all my family and i quite enjoy eating.
Gemstone- Aquamarine because I'm full of personality and love turquoise.
Abstraction- Happiness i try to be the most joyous person i can be.
Color- Yellow because I'm fun, energetic and loves life!
Car- Yellow Cobalt because im bright, happy and likes to go fast.
Water- Stream because im slow but steady.
Flower Pink roses soft, delicate and feminine.
Sport- Motorcycle Racing because its challenging, but fun at the same time.
Book- Motivational because I'm motivated and like to get stuff done.
Song- Country because you never know what its going to be about.
Candy- Chocolate covered cinnimon bears because im sweet and spicy at the same time.
Beverage- Sparkling Apple Cider because I'm very bubbly.
Object- Computer because I'm useful and smart.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just a Glimpse into Journaling...

I know last week I mentioned that we would be posting some journal entries to our in-class blog, however we didn't get to journaling. So all that should be up for last week was your own "Getting to Know You". As I've looked on the blog, I do not see some of your posts. Please make sure to keep up. The dates on these don't lie...so it makes it hard for me to be lenient with regards to late-work. Also I've checked on individual blogs and I'm not seeing the three entries. Please make sure to keep current with that also. Granted there were a few kids who did this, but not every one.

Because I believe keeping a writer's journal is so important, we will spend this week doing what we should have done last week. This will be one of the most valuable skills I believe you will take from this class....

So for this week, I want you to post your three best journal entries, that you created during this week of journal writing. We will be posting on Friday of this week. Please note your sport schedules and be aware that you can post at home, too! Hope you are enjoying the blogs. I've thought they are turning out great.

I also am going to start giving participation points for commenting. At the end of the six weeks, I would like to see at least 10 comments from each student. ...to the class blog, or to each other's journals. I believe this will assure you are reading the posts and commenting to your fellow classmates.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Creativity Challenges

So for the first creativity challenge, everyone had to choose an item that was basically junk and re-invent the wheel or display creativity. Cassidy created a toilet paper water weenie that attached to a toy boat. She even thought it would float. Ally creatved a guitar that wasn't playable, but she made some funny noises to make us think it was a guitar. Jacob used a toothbrush to create a cute toe scrubber. Mataya made a crayon candle out of an old crayon. Presli created a wire whisk duster. Sadie had a fork comb and something that could stab a mugger...Allison...not quite sure but she had a knife.
The second creativity challenge was with cupcakes. We do not yet have all entries that I will be updating soon, I thought you might like to see the beginning of our second creativity challenge. It was a cupcake challenge. Kendi created this strawberry shortcake cupcake and I must admit I'm not a fan of strawberry, but she convinced me that these were really good. Presli didn't necessarily wow us with taste, however, design took a huge leap here in this cute arrangement of creativity. How clever and how it made me want summer to come. They turned out very cute. Good job, girls...I can't wait to see what else comes....

Next creativity challenge will be introduced on Tuesday.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tree: Quaking Tree~Gets scared by the wind easily and is found in almost every forest
State: Alaska~ The biggest state in America but doesn't care to hang out in the mainland
Weather Type: Sunny with a chance of...~ I'm most of the time positive but can sometimes have bad weather
Season: Spring~recovering from winter by bringing rain and shining the sun to preview summer
Fabric: Denim~I can be around everyone
Animal: Llama ???????~ looks kind of cool but if you upset them, they spit on you (i'm saying 'spitting' as in figuratively!)
Holiday: New Year's~ likes to start the with a clean slate
Gemstone: Alexandrite~My mood changes depending on what 'light' I'm in.
Abstraction: Pleasentness~ I guess I'm pleasant to be around!
Color: Gray~ Almost pure white, but I've maybe kinda sinned a couple of times. I'm also very neutral to a lot of things but don't think because I'm gray that I'm dull!
Car: Slug Bug Volkswagon~ My motor's in the back (People are the ones to motivate me; they push me to do things.)
Water: the water that rolls down cheeks~I can bring tears to people's eyes. But not physically
Flower: Bleeding Heart~ I have a beautiful heart but it tends to break sometimes.
Sport: Golf~ I have to concentrate and have quietness to achieve something.
Book: Mystery~ It takes a lot of thinking to figure me out.

Song: Teardrops on My Guitar~ Umm.... that one pretty much explains itself! ♥☺♥
Candy: Snickers~ I love to laugh!
Drink: Virgin Margarita~ hahaha I sound dangerous but can appeal to everone without hurting them
Object: Energizer Bunny~I keep going and going and going.....

Who am I?

Tree: Willow- I can bend far without breaking.
State: Hawaii- I like to have fun all the time.
Weather Type: Sunny with a chance of rain- I'm happy most of the time but other times I can be mean.
Season:Fall- I like change and lots of colors.
Fabric: Denim- I can take jokes without them hurting me. I am very sturdy.
Animal: Dog- I like being around humans.
Holiday: Groundhog's Day- I sometimes say pointless and stupid things.
Gemstone: Jade- It symbols energy which I have a lot of. :)
Optimistic- I see the glass half full most of the time.
Color: Pink- It's funky, fun, and exciting... Like me!
Car: An old Suburban- I'm not very fancy and I don't really care what people think of me.
Water: Oasis in the Desert- People think they see me for who I really am, but I might be a mirage.
White Clematis- They are very plain and simple, but beautiful at the same time.
Sport: Volleyball- My life doesn't look fun, but living my life is.
Book: Fairy Tales- I like to dream.
Song: Blind Man- Sometimes I need to look in front of me before I look anywhere else.
Candy: Kisses- They have many different kinds just like my mood.
Beverage: Jones Soda- Some of the flavors are really weird and not very good tasting. While others are sweet and yummy.
Object: Doorknob- People don't realize how important and helpful I am sometimes.

Getting to Know Me Ü

Tree-Apple Tree because it's fat and round Ü
State- Nevada because it's warm and relaxing
Weather Type- Sunny because most of the time i'm happy
Season- Spring because you never know what kind of mood i will be in...You never know what the weather will be like...

Fabric- Flannel because it's warm, fuzy, and gives you comfort
Animal- Fish because they swim free and it looks fun Ü
Holiday- New Years because it's my birthday and a new beginning
Gemstone- Diamond because they're rare and you can't find anything like it
Abstraction- Hope because i am looking for the good and being positive most of the time
Color- Green because it's happy and cheerful, like me!!
Car- Honda Acord or Toyota Camry because they're small and original but get good mileage
Water- Lake because i love to go boating and swimmingFlower- New York Aster because it's bright and fun
Sport- All sports because i like to try different things
Book- Motavational because they make me better
Song- Country because the words describe how i feel
Candy-Box of chocolates because you never know what i will be like
Beverage- Gatorade because i give energy to everything around me!
Object- Basketball because i am active and an all around person

Getting to Know Me, Getting to Know all About Me!

Getting to Know Me!
Tree-Apricot Tree because I am spontaneous and surprising just like the blossoms on the tree.
State-Hawaii because I'm exciting but dangerous and my temper is like the volcanoes: ready to explode at any minute.
Weather Type-Sunny with a little sprinkle because I can be a lot of fun, but at times I can be a little depressed and annoying.
Season- Spring because some days are nice and enjoyable, but some are so nasty and uninviting that you don't want to go outside.
Fabric-Silk if you know what I mean:) haha jk Cotton because it is sensitive and soft, but is able to stand up for itself.
Animal-Hippo because they look like kind creatures, but when they need to be, they are are mean fighters. They also are happy with who they are even though they are fat.:D
Holiday-Independence Day because it isn't one of the most popular holidays but it is very important to our society.
Gemstone-Jade because they aren't the shiniest or prettiest gem out there, but they are valuable.
Abstraction-Independence because I like to decide my own choices, and I don't like to be told what to do.
Color-Purple becasue its unique and not always in style, but it's cute and friendly.
Car-Jeep because they are laid back and don't have a constricting roof to hold them in from being who they really are.
Water-Waterfall because they are all different, but they are magnificent just the way they are. They are also very dangerous and you have to be careful around them.
Flower-Lily because no other flowers are like it and they stand out because of their bold colors.
Sport-Tennis because my mood swings go back and forth. Sometimes they are kinder moods, but other times they are hard and they hurt.:)
Book- The Secret Journal of Brett Colton, because it's a romantic, troublesome, and mysterious book, just like my life.
Candy- Starbursts because once you have one you have to have another one, but after a while they can be bad for you. I can also have that effect one some people.;) haha
Beverage-Grape Juice because at times it tastes tart, but usually it tastes sweet.
Object- Playdough because I do different things and have different moods, but it's always fun to play with. After a while, I get tired and become "dry."

All about me.

Cherry tree- I am sweet when you get to know me.
Washington- I love it in the day when its cloudy and it rains.
A cloudy day- I show one thing on the outside when deep down I feel different.
Winter- because I'm negative alot.
Cotton- I simple.
Horse- I am strong and can take a lot of crap.
Labour day- I work a lot in the summer.
Emerald- I'm worth more to some than others.
Freedom- I like to have my freedom.
Blue- I listen to my feelings and I like the color.
A old strong truck because I feel like I can last for a long time.
I am a fresh little stream because I love to start the day fresh.
Gary goldenrode- I am unique.
Nascar racing- I love to go fast.
I am a self help book becaue I need alot of help.
The celtic women- Their music is neat and I like it.
Sour pach kids- I'm sour and sweet.
A flat pop- I don't have much excitement in my life.
Pen- I simple but useful.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

WHO AM I??????

tree: nikau palm- i have big hair on top; little trunk underneath
state: nevada i am the "city that never sleeps"- a.k.a.- a night owl
weather: sunny- i'm usually nice, warm, and comforting, yet i can burn and destroy others at times.
season: spring- i love new flowers and warm weather
fabric: velour- i'm smooth and easygoing until i get rubbed the wrong way
animal: puppy-i can be playful and fun, but i still cause destruction and chaos once in a while
holiday: thanksgiving day- I LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!!
gemstone: diamond- i'm a clear simple color/girl, but i am still valuable
abstraction: independence- i hate being told what to do, whether it's by friends, family, or anyone
color: red- i have a fiery temper that is hard to calm down; just like the color red doesn't soothe
car: jetta- i would be small compact car, with my energy focused in one place
water: roaring rapids- i usually rush into things without thinking them through
flower: pansy- i'm not the prettiest or flashiest person, but i have my own special kind of beauty
sport: track- not because i like track- i actually hate it- but because i work hard and try to do my best
book: reader's digest- i like to learn about new things and ask questions, yet i love to tell jokes and have a good time
song: everybody makes mistakes- hannah montana- this is my basic belief of people and life in general
candy: milk duds- i am sweet but very very chewy/ stubborn
beverage: lemonade- i can be comforting and refreshing, but i still carry a punch that can be hard to swallow
object: calculator- i like definite answers, not abstract ones

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

cREatiVity is...

playing in the dirt/the scattered chairs and desks of a classroom after the kids quickly abandon it when the bell rings/how a little kid thinks of heaven/activities a young mother comes up with to keep her irritated two year old entertained during church/disney movies/the new lyrics a song gets when you're trying to keep yourself awake in the baler/the thoughts you have just before you fall asleep at night/new fashions eyes excuses used to get out of having to do stuff you really don't want to do/the end result of doodling at the end of a long boring class/a smile that you have when you really don't want to smile/finger painting/snowmen/sappy love letters/trying to think up ideas for this paper:)/snowflakes/ways you try to calm yourself when you are freaking out a.k.a. jr. miss/talking to a friend at 2 in the morning/the memories you save(and embelish) of talking to your crush/making up a book report because you procrastinated to the very end to read it/a garden/early in the morning(about 5)/dreams and nightmares/making up something to eat that at the time sounded really good, but didn't turn out so great/a butterfly's wings/dew on flower petals/family

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jumpstart into Journaling....

So we have spent a week working to define what creativity is. You have accepted and taken the creativity challenge...some rising a little higher than others(fork to brush hair or stab someone who is mugging you!???), however, all very creative in your efforts. We all tried to post and define through images what creativity is. Some of you bordered on the usual, while others hit bright spots of the unusual. I applaud your first week in class and your attempts to be a little more creative. We will be starting into your journaling this week and discussing the importance of establishing a writer's notebook. All of you will begin setting up your own personal blog journals where you will be adding three entries per week. After the first couple of days in class...you will have a clearer picture of what this will entail. Your assignment for the in-class blog this week, will be to type your own personal "Getting to Know You chart" that you wrote about yourself. You will also publish on Friday your best journal entry from those done in class this week. I look forward to checking up on these over the weekend. Good job with your writing and keep going in your pursuits.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Creativity is...

  1. A sandcastle...made in a sandbox
  2. A girl shopping for a $5 fashion show
  3. Dreams
  4. A child playing on the piano
  5. My little brother cooking! (Potatoe chips and lime juice?)
  6. One man's junk is another man's treasure
  7. A string of thoughts during a very long drive
  8. One conversation leading to another (Where you can't remember how the conversation started...)
  9. A sudden urge to do something
  10. A full Saturday with no plans
  11. Waking up...
  12. The kinds of things people do when they're really bored and desperately need something to do
  13. Finding shapes in clouds and waves
  14. A blank page
  15. A child during playtime
  16. Choosing a pose for a "funny" picture
  17. Improvising?
  18. Excuses for being late, the best of which-blame your sister!
  19. Prank calls
  20. What you say after an akward silence
  21. Planting a garden
  22. Doodling
  23. Making up the words to the tune of a song you don't know
  24. A child more interested in the box than the present
  25. A joke

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Creativity is...

Light up socks
A lost teddy bear
The dusty old book you find in the attic
1 child+crayons+white walls
Dress up Closet
Cupboards with no child-locks
Paper mache volcanoes
Making forts out of couches and blankets
sugar cubes and frosting
the tree house at Grandpa's lake
truth or dare at girls' camp
the food lab in the kitchen
scissors and hair
Dear Santa letters
Kiss-and-tag during recess
the story for the broken vase
Going up to the WRONG mom in walmart
pictures posted on the fridge
Halloween costumes
science projects
disinfectants for the 'monster in the closet'
scary stories
sleepovers in the tent in the backyard
last minute gifts for your mom's birthday
Zebra Boots

*What is creativity?*

A bent fork.

An old man with a cane.

Writing in the Dust.


Playing make-believe.

Tripping over the lines.

Beating on drums.

Mrs. Scott's teaching tactics.

Playing cops and robbers.


Getting out of tickets.

Reasons for not going to mutual.

Superhero names.

Ice cream names.

Different ice shapes.

Eye contacts.

Different ways to write letters of the alphabet.

Pet names.

Cartoon characters.

Window shapes.

Scrap booking.


Home remedies.


Creativity is....

Polka Dots
extreme exhaustion combined with Rockstar and swedish fish
Colorful beads
Paul Mitchell hair reps
New York Woman
Super Bowl Commericals
How you get bruises
Ice Skating outfits
Excuses why I'm late for work
Gum labels
Teenage girls games when boredom hits
Dressing Spirited
collage students decorations for apartments
Things to do in small towns
Little sisters ideas and drawings
Baylee's Style
Sprinkles on Cupcakes
Making Starbusts out of Skittles
A box of Crayons
Disney Movies
Colorful Ribbons and Bows
Names of eyeshadow
ways to change a yellow crayon :

cReaTiVIty iS...

a sunset
socks w/ toes

names of finger-nail polish colors

pictures my 3 year old brother draws----->

methods of removing warts

non-leak sippy cups

'truth-or-dare' @ slumber parties

pick-up lines

5th grade love notes

swiffer products

space camp

what you say after you cross the finish line of the mile run

excuses for missing curfew

salespeople on the telephone

baby names

sandcastles on the beach


"blue and white" clothes @ games

cold stone ice-cream flavors

names you call your little brother

ways to kill a cat

things you say after waking up from a surgery

little sisters' made-up dances

halloween costumes

swimsuit styles

volleyball cheers

Creativity is...

1. song lyrics
2. pictures
3. sculptures
4. reasons for wetting your pants

5. smiles
6. little kids drawings
7. baby's turning everything into a toy
8. a box of crayons

9. a way to cover up a fart
10. picture frames

11. hair doo
12. coloring books

13. sunset
14. jokes
15. sneezes
16. shoes

17. licence plates
18. snow storm

19. a field of flamingoes
20. yearbook

21. tatoos
22. love stories

23. bumper stickers
24. dreams

25. lightening and thunder storm

What is CrEaTiVitY?

CrEaTiVitY is...
Homeless guys' signs
thinking of the color purple when you have to sneeze
bunny hunting
criminals' hiding places
toilet papering
excuses of how you got hurt
playing house with babies
chasing pigs back in their pen
different ways to put on makeup
"the moving game"
Indians and "real people"
what your barbies say to each other
candy jewelry
how to break up with you boyfriend/girlfriend
different ways to enter a room
cheers at sports games
how to lose weight
different ways to flirt
excuses of why you are crying

Creativity in everyday life.

Creativity is...
A writer's imagination
family vacations
my brothers action and attitude to life
sluffing class
kissing on the bus
10 seconds left in a game
lying to your parents
arguing with your girlfriend/boyfriend
BSing on a reasrch paper
planning dates
scratching that itch between your shoulder blades
getting revenge on your brother/sister
your job
mother nature
sneaking out at night
a child's idea
people excuses for driving to fast
school lunches
America's Funniest Home Videos (AFV)