Friday, March 13, 2009

Who am I?

Tree: Willow- I can bend far without breaking.
State: Hawaii- I like to have fun all the time.
Weather Type: Sunny with a chance of rain- I'm happy most of the time but other times I can be mean.
Season:Fall- I like change and lots of colors.
Fabric: Denim- I can take jokes without them hurting me. I am very sturdy.
Animal: Dog- I like being around humans.
Holiday: Groundhog's Day- I sometimes say pointless and stupid things.
Gemstone: Jade- It symbols energy which I have a lot of. :)
Optimistic- I see the glass half full most of the time.
Color: Pink- It's funky, fun, and exciting... Like me!
Car: An old Suburban- I'm not very fancy and I don't really care what people think of me.
Water: Oasis in the Desert- People think they see me for who I really am, but I might be a mirage.
White Clematis- They are very plain and simple, but beautiful at the same time.
Sport: Volleyball- My life doesn't look fun, but living my life is.
Book: Fairy Tales- I like to dream.
Song: Blind Man- Sometimes I need to look in front of me before I look anywhere else.
Candy: Kisses- They have many different kinds just like my mood.
Beverage: Jones Soda- Some of the flavors are really weird and not very good tasting. While others are sweet and yummy.
Object: Doorknob- People don't realize how important and helpful I am sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome :) I like your oasis in the desert thing haha!
