Friday, March 13, 2009

Tree: Quaking Tree~Gets scared by the wind easily and is found in almost every forest
State: Alaska~ The biggest state in America but doesn't care to hang out in the mainland
Weather Type: Sunny with a chance of...~ I'm most of the time positive but can sometimes have bad weather
Season: Spring~recovering from winter by bringing rain and shining the sun to preview summer
Fabric: Denim~I can be around everyone
Animal: Llama ???????~ looks kind of cool but if you upset them, they spit on you (i'm saying 'spitting' as in figuratively!)
Holiday: New Year's~ likes to start the with a clean slate
Gemstone: Alexandrite~My mood changes depending on what 'light' I'm in.
Abstraction: Pleasentness~ I guess I'm pleasant to be around!
Color: Gray~ Almost pure white, but I've maybe kinda sinned a couple of times. I'm also very neutral to a lot of things but don't think because I'm gray that I'm dull!
Car: Slug Bug Volkswagon~ My motor's in the back (People are the ones to motivate me; they push me to do things.)
Water: the water that rolls down cheeks~I can bring tears to people's eyes. But not physically
Flower: Bleeding Heart~ I have a beautiful heart but it tends to break sometimes.
Sport: Golf~ I have to concentrate and have quietness to achieve something.
Book: Mystery~ It takes a lot of thinking to figure me out.

Song: Teardrops on My Guitar~ Umm.... that one pretty much explains itself! ♥☺♥
Candy: Snickers~ I love to laugh!
Drink: Virgin Margarita~ hahaha I sound dangerous but can appeal to everone without hurting them
Object: Energizer Bunny~I keep going and going and going.....

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