Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting to know ME!

Tree- Apple because they are productive and smell sweet.
State- Florida because its bright, warm and full of variety.
Weather Type- Sunny day because its warm and i love to have fun.
Season- Winter because i love the snow.
Fabric- Fleece because its cozy and soft.
Animal- Lion because their full of life, i like to go fast and adventurous.
Holiday- Thanksgiving because i love to be with all my family and i quite enjoy eating.
Gemstone- Aquamarine because I'm full of personality and love turquoise.
Abstraction- Happiness i try to be the most joyous person i can be.
Color- Yellow because I'm fun, energetic and loves life!
Car- Yellow Cobalt because im bright, happy and likes to go fast.
Water- Stream because im slow but steady.
Flower Pink roses soft, delicate and feminine.
Sport- Motorcycle Racing because its challenging, but fun at the same time.
Book- Motivational because I'm motivated and like to get stuff done.
Song- Country because you never know what its going to be about.
Candy- Chocolate covered cinnimon bears because im sweet and spicy at the same time.
Beverage- Sparkling Apple Cider because I'm very bubbly.
Object- Computer because I'm useful and smart.

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